Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pay Attention to the Give Aways!

I'm running around the Internet...LOL (The visual which comes to mind, with me lost out there in cyberspace with a big "?" over my head...) checking out other blogs and responding to messages and emails from other moms and tons of companies who are sharing the giving this season (and gosh darn it, trying to win some stuff for my kids!)...and I LOVE IT! There's nothing like being part of the giving!

If you have a little girl, you MUST run on by KandyLand and get in on her give away. She has extended the deadline to the 26th!

Bouffe e bambini has several give aways going on...don't miss out!

Songberries has their smart and sexy lingerie give away! I'm getting in on that one! As a mother who gets something for everyone else first, it would be nice to have something to make me feel...well, smart and sexy. :)

CanadianFreeStuff is giving away some awesome Raw Gaia Facial Toner...I want that one!

Shibley Smiles has a cup cake give away. Oh my goodness, I want some!

'Tis the season for giving! If you know about any give aways going on this holiday season, let me know! I'll definitely put up a post to advertise them!

Don't forget to get in on my CSNStores giveway...there's still a little more time! (Click link on the top left hand side of my blog).

Also, it's the last minute for her contest, but get in on the contest quickly for some awesome hair accessories!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Give some love!

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