Monday, April 23, 2012

Unique Gifts for Mother's Day from the Husband - How EdenFantasys Can Boost a Marriage

Okay, so this is definitely a little out of the box, but why not think out of the box for your wife on Mother's Day and get her something from Bring that flame back this Mother's Day, somewhere between running around after (and with) the kids, tending to the everyday demands of life, and trying to balance the needs of a marriage amidst all of the chaos.

Eden Cafe  

Add Something to the Marriage on Mother's Day

And, as a woman (and mother) who has been married for 15 years now, I'm well aware that it takes time and effort to keep a marriage strong and healthy. That's why on Mother's Day, husbands should do a little something special for their wives...and add some sugar and spice to the marriage at the same time. Forget the thoughtless acts of going to the nearest convenience store or supermarket to find the best bunch of flowers at the best price and a generic Mother's Day card to accompany them.

No! Your wife deserves more thought than that! The mother of your children??? Come on!

Now, I understand that there are women who expect flowers and chocolates on Mother's Day....and some unique gifts from the children that were made during art class at school.

There are the mothers who want to kick back and be catered to (that's me!) on Mother's Day.

AND, there are also women who are...let's just say "sensitive" about their sensuality, so this is obviously not the perfect answer for every wife on Mother's Day. However, I would place a bet that there's something in their store that she would love! Lotions and candles with yummy scents...

Then, there are the women who would knock their husband out for doing some online shopping at a store like EdenFantasys. To those women: take it from me, you're missing out! (Honey, you can shop there for me anytime!)

For the Rest of the Women...

But I also know that there are plenty of women out there who would be excited to receive a gift from EdenFantasys. (Don't let the fact that she hides the excitement from you deter you.) And, I'm not saying that you have to go and buy the craziest, far-out product in their line-up - here's where "it's the thought that counts"...

I'm talking about a good, old-fashioned massage on Mother's Day after the kids go to bed (doesn't that sound nice, ladies?), complete with the help of this message therapy kit.
Massage Therapy Kit

What makes this one so special? You can give her a choice of five different natural essential oils infused with vitamin E (so good for the skin!):

  • Serenity 
  • Pleasure Garden 
  • Sweet Almond 
  • Healing Blend 
  • Soaring Spirit
This set is only $27.99 - but don't just buy it and forget it! Make sure you give her that well-deserved massage the night of Mother's Day when the little tigers have settled into bed. That intimacy and obvious display of love is definitely a marriage booster on Mother's Day.

beeswax aromatherapy candle

Add a romantic touch with one - or a few - of the specialty beeswax aromatherapy candles, (which happen to be marked down from $13.99 to $6.00 right now) and you may just win a Husband of the Month award from your wife when the night is said and done...or a reward of some form or another...that part's up to you!

Good luck finding the perfect gift for that special lady on Mother's Day, but don't forget that quality time with her - and making her feel special - can also be just as important as the gift. 

Thank you, EdenFantasys, for the gift card code! All opinions expressed in this post are not influenced by the gift card. I have worked with EdenFantasys for a couple of years now and love their products!

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