Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Thank Your Mom

I read an interesting story today about a Mariners draftee that really touched my heart. Taijuan Walker, just barely 18, received an $800,000 signing bonus. What did he do with it? Well, this kid went and bought his mother a new car and a house. Life was always hard for the family and as soon as he found a break, he brought it home to Mom.

She must be a pretty amazing mother to deserve a treat like that from her son, but honestly, I hope we all become the mothers that raise our children to be kind and love family like that. I hope that I instill the values in my children that make them want to come home and take care of me when I'm old. I have ambitions for them to be giving and kind and extremely successful in everything we do.

Cheers to the 18 year old Taijuan Walker not only for being successful in life, but for thanking his mother as well.


  1. Im your newest follower from Catch A Wave Blog hop. Check my blog "its All Random" @

  2. It is always nice to see kids show Mom some love. New follower from Catch A Wave blog hop. Also following the Blogging Hints site!

  3. Newest follower from Catch a wave :) love this post and the fact that it highlights a great kid and a great mom.

    Heather from

  4. I'm a new follower from Catch a Wave Blog Hop. Happy Wednesday!!

  5. Catching up on Wednesday's wave blog hop... I am following you!

  6. Great post, it's nice to see that someone recognizes that there are still good people in the world. Kudos to you for posting this.


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