Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Driver's Ed Starts With Parents

Nothing is more important to consider while driving than the safety of your kids. When you keep safety in mind, you can also use it as an opportunity to teach kids about good driving habits. Kids learn almost everything up until age 15 from the parents, including political views, outlooks on life, and driving habits. If a child sees a parent with an aggressive driving style, they are likely to be an aggressive driver when they get older, too. Here are five things to keep in mind that will allow you to set a good example for kids when they become drivers. 

1. Never speed. Speed limits are created for a reason. The difference between a fatal car crash and one with minor injuries is just five miles per hour. Slow down and save the lives of everyone in the event of a crash, and explain the importance of this to your kids. Explain to the children that you should avoid being in a hurry at all times so that you can take your time and go the speed limit to get to your destination.

2. Don't get involved in road rage incidents. Even if the driver closest to you is causing problems, remain calm, and don't engage in road rage with that driver. Go about your business and drive in a collected, safe manner. Tell your kids never to let other drivers bother them. If the situation gets escalated, make sure your kids know to get the help of other drivers or to call police.

3. Always buckle up. Wearing your seatbelt will save your life in a crash almost every time, and it is important for kids to understand why seat belts are so important. Explain to them that buckling your seatbelt is just another part of riding in a car, and get them into the habit of wearing a seatbelt at all times. Reward them for buckling up their seatbelts, and they are likely to develop this important habit.

4. Never forget turn signals. Turn signals are created for the safe flow of everyday traffic, and you should always use them. You should help your kids to understand that while driving, communication to and from other drivers is very important. The turn signal is one of the most important ways that drivers communicate with each other, and a lack of communication can easily result in an accident.

5. Do not drink and drive. This is the most important tip of all. Drinking and driving is a severe lapse in judgment and should be avoided at all times, especially when you have children in the vehicle. Even if you don't wreck and hurt them, you'll be setting a terrible example for them if you drink and drive. it's unsafe and just not smart to do.

Becoming a better driver is something everyone can do, and it can also be a good teaching tool for children. Your children will grow up to have nearly identical driving habits to what yours are, so improve your own to set them up with good driving practices.

Author Bio: Marcie McDonald is an insurance consultant who writes for She recommends checking online sites for cheap car insurance rates, and also to compare features of car insurance companies before making your choice.

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