Friday, July 27, 2012

My Little House of Treasures - How to Warm My Heart

It always gives you a heartwarming feeling when someone says something absolutely amazing about you, or something that you have done. In this busy, crazy, heartbreaking world, just knowing that someone had you on their mind and took the time to share what they think can makes all the difference in a person's day.

In this case, Miss Darlene was talking about my book. Today, I had the pleasure of reading her review about my book on her blog, My Little House of Treasures. You can read her review for yourself here.

Pay Miss Darlene from My Little House of Treasures a visit here and there to see what else she is spreading the news about, or feel free to drop her a line and let her know that you appreciate her hard work. She's been a pleasure to work with, and I wish her tremendous blessings in all of her endeavors in life! 

Thank you, Darlene, for taking the time to not only read my book, but also write an extensive, informative, and heartwarming review to share with your readers. I understand how busy you are in your life, and I can't thank you enough!


If you're a blogger and you would like the opportunity to review my book, Review Bloggers: Get Flooded With Review & Giveaway Sponsor Products, feel free to send me an email at, or simply fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. I cannot promise everyone a review copy, but I do appreciate every inquiry more than you know!


ALSO, companies who haven't worked with bloggers to market their products, my book will explain exactly WHY you should be working with them and how it could benefit you! I would be willing to send you a copy of my book, as well, if you are a small business owner, a mompreneur trying to spread the word about her products, or even a large company.

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