Friday, August 31, 2012

It's Not Right! Is There Really Justice When A Child is Hurt or Killed?

Lately, several news stories about children have caught my attention, and to be quite honest, these child news stories are not only traumatizing for families, they are also heartbreaking for the general public.

What is happening to our country? 

Here are the recent updates on stories that have caught my attention lately:

Killer Sentenced - In Brooklyn, the sicko, Levi Aron, who abducted the lost little 8 year old boy, Leiby Kletzky, and then dismembered the young child, just received his sentence Wednesday: 40 years to life. He didn't even have a final "sorry" immediately prior to his sentencing...

Niagara Falls Girl Killed - Just yesterday, I heard about poor little Isabella Tennant, a beautiful little 5 year old girl who was killed by a 16 year-old John R. Freeman Jr., a friend of the family and helper to dear Isabella's great grandmother, because "she wouldn't stop crying". The autopsy revealed that she had been beaten and then strangled...and she was later found in left in a trash can in an alley. Freeman is charged with second degree murder...

Possibly Child Abuse Unreported - Results in Death - 7 month-old Jayden Noel was examined at an Indiana emergency room, where suspicion of child abuse was present in July of 2011 - a bruised and discolored ear and another bruise on the side of his face. When the parents told the ER physician that the bruises occurred when the mother's boyfriend tossed a toy into the baby's crib, unaware that the child was in it, the ER physician reported, "Do not feel at this time that a state of abuse exists."

However,  six months later, little Jayden died from "multiple blunt-force traumatic injuries to the head", according to the autopsy report. Now, in question, is whether the ER physician should have erred on the side of caution by placing a report to Department of Child services...

Father Kills Daughter to "Spare" Her - A father in Washington is facing aggravated first degree murder charges...

Dean Holmes fatally shot both his wife and daughter, then headed to the Pierce County Jail to confess and turn himself in. He told the detectives at his confession that he shot his daughter to prevent her from the pain of losing her mother (to death) and her father (to jail). According to prosecutors, Holmes, if found guilty - as he should be! - he will face either the death penalty or life in prison without parole.

Shamefully, these news stories are nothing new to us...they happen almost on a daily basis, but is there ever justice when a child is purposely hurt or killed? How can loved ones find peace in the death of a murdered child?

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