Friday, April 6, 2012

What Your Spring Frame Style Says About You

The way a woman chooses to accessorize says a lot about her personality. A lady's outward style is often a reflection of her inner person. For example, wearing loads of flashy jewels and shiny accessories may say that you like the finer things in life. Or, if you tend to keep it simple with your wedding ring and a simple watch, perhaps you take a simpler outlook on life.

Sunglasses and reading glasses styles are not an exception! With spring sunshine in full bloom, the sunnies and specs you choose can say a lot about your personality and style. If you’re wondering what yours say about you, then read on to learn what different styles say about their wearers. Or, if you’re looking for perfect glasses to match you, then you may find your perfect pair below!

Cat Eye

[cat eye readers]

A pair of cat eye frames show that you are a modern day vixen, a la Marilyn Monroe! You probably enjoy spending your time perusing vintage shops, antique stores, and you’re always on the hunt for that perfect find. The pair may be new, and might perhaps have some sparkles or rhinestones to reflect your knack for all things flashy and fabulous. Cat eyes are gorgeous and right on trend for spring!


[wayfarer sunglasses]

Wayfarer frames, like the sunglasses above, say that you are a carefree individual looking for a good time and remain optimistic and easygoing in the most hectic of situations. Reese Witherspoon is a huge fan of this classic, look-good-on-everyone frame! Simply put, wayfarers are a classic style that shows you have a funky personality and up-to-date spring style.


[Rimless readers]
Rimless frames are understated and elegant. If you love rimless styles, you have a classic taste that you like to let shine. You’re also not into overwhelming accessories, but rather prefer to stick with something simple and sophisticated that doesn’t take over your natural beauty! People may consider you to be the reserved, intellectual type, but inside, you’re full of creativity! 

Thick framed

[thick framed glasses]

Thick frames show that you are spunky and creative. You like to let your creativity show through your wardrobe and accessories. You embrace the world with arms wide open, and you’re seen as a warm individual who is approachable and kind-hearted. You are probably the type of person who likes to dance in the rain :)


[patterned frames]

A pair of patterned sunnies or specs shows that you know no limits. You tend to think outside of the box and color outside of the lines; you live by your own set of rules. You’re determined and will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. You’re ambitious, competitive, and usually the first person to step up and take initiative. Your frames reflect this go-getter attitude!

Wow! Did you know a pair of glasses could make such a statement? What do yours say about you?

Author Bio: Stephanie is a fellow glasses wearer and fashion lover. She writes about her thick nerd-chic frames on her reading blog, so you could categorize her as spunky and creative. She enjoys reading, writing, and riding her bike. She is a lover of travel and hopes to get away sometime soon!

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