Saturday, September 24, 2011

Local Teen, Jamey Rodemeyer Bullying Suicide: A Shameful Loss

I'm deeply disturbed by the latest news story in our community. Young Jamey Rodemeyer took his own life, yet another teen who was distraught and hurt, to the point of wanting to die, because of the hateful comments of peers.

This handsome young man could have turned out to be anything that he wanted to be, and I will state right now that I feel strongly that someone should be punished for the hurt that was inflicted on him! I have written blog posts before, one about the People Magazine article and also about the father in Florida who got on the bus to stand up to the brats who bullied his daughter - and was arrested!

Apparently, New York State has yet to establish Anti-Bully Laws, which is quite scary, because me and my very own, precious children are living in New York State. Thankfully, my husband and I have decided to enroll our children in a Catholic school here in Lockport, just a hop, skip and a jump from the schools where Jamey Rodemeyer attended. As a matter of fact, when we moved, our aim was to find a house in the VERY SCHOOLS that Jamey attended! However, we did not move to the Williamsville/Amherst area - we moved to Lockport.

But, let's get on the ball, New York State!!! 

Bullying has become far worse than it was when I was growing up. I was certainly bullied...and I remember how hard it was to be a teenager, never mind adding the terrible torment of bullying! Now, with the Internet, social media and cell phones, technology has created a whole new means of bullying that can easily be disguised from parents and administration of schools.

Of course, we should be monitoring our children and teen's usage of social media forums, but if there are no laws to protect our children, what's going to stop those heartless brats that are hurting our children? If there are no consequences, then kids won't take bullying seriously! Right now, police are "exploring whether or not they can bring charges", according to an ABCnews video.

Hate Crime?

I hear that it's also being questioned whether or not this was a hate crime. Lady Gaga herself tweeted, "Bullying must become illegal. It is a hate crime." Not that she's any type of expert, but she does believe in gay rights and has spoken outwardly about the subject, as well as Jamey's suicide, and I happen to agree with her. Any type of bullying is hateful - and if you drive someone to kill addition, sending a message to someone on a social media forum that states, "I wouldn't care if you died. No one would. So just do it :) It would make everyone WAY more happier!" ( may not necessarily be a crime, but it is definitely hateful and encourages someone to take that final step, if it is said enough.

I have one word for these bullies (and New York State, ultimately): Prosecute! I don't care if they are minors or not...send them off to juvenile detention.

Ellen DeGeneres said, "You can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life."

The Parents

Fingers have pointed to the parents of the bullied children. How did the parents NOT know that their child was close to committing suicide? Are you kidding me????!!!! Once again, people point the finger at the parents...and that makes me sick! Sick.Sick.SICK! How would you EVER really believe that your child would take their own life? Yes, there are signs. Yes, they can monitor the actions of their children and teens on social media forums - although with all of the different types of social media (and the busy lives that we live), it's not that easy!

Stop blaming the parents...okay, well, maybe you can blame the parents of the children who are bullying. Yes, we can blame them...but not the parents of the victims! Ultimately, we need to blame the bullies! They KNOW BETTER!

Now that I've shouted mine, what's your take on the subject?

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