Thursday, December 29, 2011

Disruptive Child Behavior: Environmental and Medical Origins

There's no doubt that billions of dollars have been invested in promoting the concept that children who are hyperactive automatically have a mental illness.  The term “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” has plagued schools, parents, and pediatricians for decades now and for many of them, there seems to be a solution. 

Following the diagnosis of this apparent condition, many a pharmaceutical company and prescribing practitioner have lined their pockets only to leave in the wake of this massive launch of child-drugging, tragedies and heart-ache, parents and children who are still seeking an answer.

Looking in the Wrong Direction

Instead of looking at every factor in a child's life that could contribute to their symptoms, many pediatricians are quick to prescribe medications to solve the problem. While parents believe the advice that their child needs these medications, medical science brings evidence to the table that proves that environmental and medical conditions can cause hyperactivity and inattentiveness in children.

Case #1

CBS News quoted a new study out in Pediatrics that shows a connection between high exposure to common pesticides and increased risk for children developing hyperactivity. A study performed on children who were diagnosed with ADHD analyzed their urine for dialkyl phosphates, which would suggest that organophosphate pesticides were in their bodies.

Here’s what they said:

“For a 10-fold increase in one class of those compounds, the odds of ADHD increased by more than half. And for the most common breakdown product, called dimethyl triophosphate, the odds of ADHD almost doubled in kids with above-average levels compared to those without detectable levels, according to Reuters.

Case #2

According to Dr. Doris Rapp, a leading authority on allergies “If you have allergies in your family, your child might not have hay fever or asthma but might simply have an unrecognized form of allergy from dust, molds, pollen, foods or chemicals. Any allergenic exposure could be affecting different areas of the brain or body, so your child feels, acts, behaves, walks, talks, writes and draws differently than normal. This can happen suddenly for no apparent reason.  The answer might be easy and fast to treat—and if it is a food, it also can be very inexpensive.  Many mothers have reported they have a new child in 5 to 7 days after a special allergy diet and an air purifier.”

Furthermore, in an interview with Phil Donahue (back in 1989), Dr. Rapp showed clearly that unwanted and extreme behaviors in children can be attributed to allergies. A quick change can be handled with change in diet. Still, the solution today seems to be prescription medications. Have a look at what she had to say:

Case #3

From another perspective, Science Daily reports that “Thyroid hormone may play a role in the hyperactive and impulsive symptoms of children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).”

There are many Medical Doctors throughout the United States and around the world who are concerned about the psychiatric medications that are being administered to children.  The FDA labeling on these medications contain seriously scary side effect warnings, including sudden death, suicidal ideation, psychosis, hallucinations and more. 

Parents have the right to be fully informed about other possible causes of symptoms and the alternative treatments that are available for children.

This article is brought to you by our friends at the Citizens Commission on Human Rights in Florida, a non-profit that is not only dedicated to educating Americans about their rights in the mental health sector, they are also actively involved investigating and exposing psychiatric violations against human rights. 

Join us right here on Mommy Rantings on Thursdays in 2012 for our new series that is dedicated to providing parents with in-depth information, resources and personal stories on a variety of childhood disabilities, mental health and behavioral issues.  

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