Friday, December 11, 2015

"The Christmas Virtues" Book Review

It's book review Friday and I have the perfect curl-up-in-bed or cozy-in-front-of-the-fire book for just about everyone this holiday season.

Maybe you don't have time to sit down and read full-blown romance or thrillers during the holidays, and the honest truth is that you would prefer something a little more on the lighter side. Maybe short stories?

They wrote The Seven Deadly Virtues and The Dadly Virtues and now, with perfect timing, comes The Christmas Virtues.

The Christmas Virtues...

Here's the thing. Not everything about the holiday season is wonderful and filled with cheer. We all know that. So, why sugarcoat it all? This all-star cast of writers got together, and rather than a Chicken Soup for the Soul type of book, has put together a compilation that truly hits the nail on the head about the holiday season.

P.J. O'Rourke talks about the commercialization of Christmas, Joe Quennan shares his take on the artful tradition of Christmas cards. Matt Labash makes light of the antics of holiday family gatherings. But, don't expect a bunch of funny, lighthearted stories that will keep you laughing, as some are serious and other will share a perspective you probably have never looked at Christmas from.

I highly, highly recommend! 5 stars!   

If you need a good laugh this holiday season, or better yet, if you're looking for an awesome book for a gift for someone special, take a look at The Christmas Virtues! It's definitely worth a read!

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