Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Children Think I'm MEAN

Last night, my 3 year old Dylan, with his new-found fascination with the gaming world was extremely mad at me. He has formed a habit of getting frustrated and screaming about the games or getting mad at whoever is playing with him for "beating him" or "pushing him" (or pushing his "guy").
He Says I'm Mean
By 8 p.m., I had had enough.

Me: Dylan, time to turn the games off.

Dylan: You're mean!

Me: If all you can do is scream and cry, apparently the game is not fun anymore. Time to turn it off.

Dylan: You're a big meanie, mom.

Me: Yep, I'm mean. Turn the game off.

Dylan: Youuuuuuuuuuuuuu MEAN! (now screaming) Meanie!

That wasn't the end of it. He pulled his little 3 year old screaming fit, reminding me over and over again how mean I really am.

Up walks little Dakoda, my youngest at 1 1/2 years old. He looks at me and says, "Mee-mee."
He Thinks I'm Mean, Too

Did he? He did. He says about 4 words, including Mom, Dad, peeeese (please), and now "Meanie".

Well, it's no secret that I'm a "Mean Mom". I'm mean because I expect my kids to behave, help clean the house and get along with each other. I'm mean because I have expectations, period. I'm mean because I don't say yes to everything...and I'm mean because I turn the games off.

I'm okay with being a Mean Mom. Am I the only Mean Mother in this world?


  1. Hi Beth,

    You not are mean mom...You are good mom...You trying to hard being a good mother but they seem not to understand...Children tends to thinks us mean because we are right! and they hate to say us right!

  2. HA! Great post :)

    I don't care if I'm a mean mom. I'm raising children who will grow into adults and they need to adhere to expectations and rules.

    I had a mean mom too.

    Thank goodness :)

  3. Great! So, you mean I have competition for the "Mean Mom" award? LOL...Thanks for your comments. I'm glad I'm not the ONLY mean mom in the world. :)

  4. Thanks for the message on mommy blogs ... I am now following, would love a follow back! thanks!


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