Monday, November 15, 2010

Mommy Rantings Receives Another Award! (And, This Time, I Pass It On...)

The Holiday Spirit Feels So Good!

Mommy Rantings 

just received another award!

 I am proud to announce acceptance of:

*To accept this award, there are 4 rules*

1. Thank the person who gave you the award.

Tatted Mom is a fairly new mom blogger and has learned the art of networking quickly. As soon as I "met" her, I liked her...and her blog rocks, so be sure to check her out! (Thanks a bunch!)

2. Share seven things about yourself

1. First and foremost, if you mess with my children, you mess with me!

2. I love to walk around barefoot, even when not pregnant. ;)

3. I love the holidays and feel strongly about teaching children deep morals and values surrounding the holidays.

4. I would rather receive than give, however I have a tendency to think of others (don't all moms?) before I think about myself.

5. I still believe in (the spirit of) Santa.

6. I'm the type of person that people love to hate and hate to love. (Don't hate.)

7. I'm not a perfect mother (duh!), but I raise my kids the best that way I can, and I believe in the bottom of my heart that I'm doing a pretty good job.

3. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers you have recently discovered and who you think are marvelously fantastic, innovative and inspiring. It was a close call for me...there were about 50 awesome blogs that I wanted to list, but I was limited to a dozen, so... 

Here's my list of 12...

4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.

Everyone who reads this (and visits the dozen blogs) rocks!


  1. HI Bethany!!! Thank you so very much for the award. I am so honored that you thought of me:) YES!!! I have 2 more amazing giveaways coming this week!! STAY TUNED!! I love giveaways! Aren't they fun!! Hope you win something soon!

    Hanna from bouffe e bambini

  2. Well, how sweet are you! Thank you so much for bestowing this award on me and my blog!

  3. OH WOW I won something? Someone's got to pinch me, Ive never won anything in my entire life!!! Thanks so much, this is awesome!!!

  4. Bethany, my first prize ever! Thank you so much!It'll look nice on my blog!

  5. Congrats Bethany!!!

  6. Lol! Thanks. I will get to work on it this afternoon!

  7. After reading these comments, my heart is just all are awesome! I'm so glad I picked the 12 that I did! For those of you who haven't received an award up until now...this one is long deserved! Congrats!

  8. Congratulations, well done! Many thanks for passing it on to me, I appreciate it and accept with a smile and a hugs!

  9. Followed your blog! Please follow back
    I also have a FB page!
    And a Twitter!
    I also have some giveaways going on right now. Here is one for a 15.00 walmart card

  10. Hi Bethany,

    Thanks for the award!

    I want to claim the award!i'm so happy about it!


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