Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Holiday Season, Traditions and Emotions

I have been infatuated with the Hallmark channel lately, with all of the touching holiday movies that are on the line up...and, from a mom who tells her boys to "Suck it up" and rarely sheds a tear, darn those Hallmark movies! What is it about holiday commercials and movies that breaks down every bit of "strength" and resolve that I have and turn me into a sack of mush? I thought I was bit stronger than that! :)

Today, on the Hallmark movie, while a niece and uncle exchanged gifts with each other and reminisced about "Aunt Margaret", I thought about the woman who was the foundation of my family two decades ago...(the strong woman who people didn't want to cross)...the woman that brought everyone in the family together for holidays and family get-togethers at her house. Gramma was the woman who took no crap, loved us all, and kept us aware of family traditions like no one else could. Her house was the home of tradition and love.

Maybe that's the reason why I get so mushy around the holidays...those traditions have faded with her...

But, that is the beauty of that all of us grandchildren are grown and have our own children, we are creating our own traditions. For, Christmas may be about giving and making others feel good...It may bring the best out in all of us, but TRADITION is what makes us feel good about the holidays.

This year, as I avoid the emotions that overwhelm me while we decorate the tree and bake the delicious treats that we wait all year to make and eat, I hold on desperately to tradition and try to instill some old and new family traditions in my children's lives. When they are grown and look back on family traditions, I want them to feel as warm and loving and giving as I do...

And, I'm sure that they will. This year, we're creating some new family traditions that I think will "stick" in the future...and I hope that you will do the same, too. Stay "tuned" for updates on the traditions that we create this year...I'll try not to get too mushy. :)

As I wipe the "mush" from my face after the Hallmark movie ends, I really hope that you find a way to bring back some old traditions this year and show your children how to mix them with the new ones...

Happy Holidays!

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