Friday, December 10, 2010

Six Ways to Keep the Christ in Christmas with Your Kids

Many of Us Lose Track of What We're Really Celebrating...

Keeping Christ in Christmas ...

The hustle and bustle of the holidays can easily sweep us up...there's not enough time in a day to get all of the shopping, baking, and holiday decorating done...especially when you have children! So, how do you help your children keep Christ in Christmas?

I have a few tips to help you (and hopefully they'll inspire you) find some unique and interesting ways to celebrate the birth of Jesus this year:

1) Trade the bedtime book reading times to read a few scriptures from the Children's Bible...or read the story of Jesus to the kids. There are some awesome children's books and DVD's:

2) Think about ways - with your children - that you can bless a neighbor, a friend, or a family member.

3) Celebrate Jesus' birthday with a cake!

4) Say evening prayers during the month of December.

5) Pick a name off of a holiday tree and buy a present for a child in need.

6) Discuss with your children how you can give Jesus presents this year, like practicing randoms acts of kindness or blessing others.


  1. Love the ideas! We always read the Christmas story from the family Bible. At church, we throw a birthday party for Jesus for the kids.

  2. That is so awesome, Holly! Sounds fun! I'm glad that you liked the ideas!


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