Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chore Chart for Kids

I'm on the hunt for organization tools for 2011! Anything that can help you and your kids work in harmony falls on the top of my list! I wrote a post a while ago about the Talking Back Syndrome/Getting the Chores Done and it gets hits from Google every day, so there is no doubt in my mind that parents are experiencing the same struggles that I am.

My friends at Sourcebooks were thoughful enough to send me Amy Knapps's Big Grid Family Organizer and I love it, love it! (The picture does it absolutely no justice!) It's actually an oversized calendar and the daily blocks are large enough to list several events under each day - for a large family like ours, it's wonderful to have up on the wall. The older kids are old enough and big enough to write their own activities on the calendar, too, which is perfect!

Now, this isn't specifically a "chore chart", so to speak, but it can easily work as one, with the space that it provides. To give you an idea, it's about the same size (if not bigger) than a desk calendar that you put on your desktop at work and write down all of your important meetings and agenda items on (and phone numbers and little notes to self). Accordingly, there is a note section where you can put little thoughts that don't necessarily fall on any particular day.

If you are looking for a calendar-style organization tool for 2011 for your family, Amy Knapp's Big Grid Family Organizer is better than the average calendar with limited space. The kids were excited to get the new calendar and more than happy to help post it up on the wall...if only they stay as ambitious about the cleaning that needs to be done! :)

I'm open to organizational suggestions if you have any, too!

I was provided a product for review purposes for this blog post. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.


  1. Great idea! I know the kids wll better respond to that. I'm following back. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for stopping by Tips for Saving. I'm now following you back. The charts sound like a great idea. My son is 2 and loves chores now, but I'm sure that is going to change in the futuer... I'll have to keep this in mind!

    Keep in touch


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